E.S.O.L. Programme 2024-06-25T12:24:36+00:00

E.S.O.L. Programme

We run many programmes for a diverse ability of children.  These programmes support children’s learning and work alongside normal classroom programmes. They are programmes that are differentiated to suit the particular needs of the child.

Leasa Hirst
Leasa HirstE.S.O.L. Teacher
Jolly Path Joy
Jolly Path JoyMigrant Learning Assistant
Jerlene Sevilla
Jerlene SevillaMigrant Learning Assistant


Leasa Hirst is our E.S.O.L. Teacher.  Currently, we have over 13 different ethnicities in our school, many are new immigrants to New Zealand with little or no English. Our E.S.O.L. programme is funded by the Ministry.  Sessions are run with small groups of children who may come from similar ethnic backgrounds or who have a similar command of English.  The programme is designed to help children cope within the classroom environment.  To understand instructions, and to encourage them to convey their thoughts, opinions, and needs, and to converse with their peers.  It is literacy-based with a strong emphasis on oral language. Where possible, Leasa will incorporate immersion activities based on the current concept so the children gain a better understanding of the topic.  We are very fortunate to have 2 Migrant Learning Assistants. Jolly and Jerlene work in the classrooms supporting children to understand the teacher’s instructions and learning tasks.