Culture Day

As part of our Immersion week for Celebration, we held a Culture Day. Some of our cultural groups in our school community performed for the school. Mrs Iamafana performed a traditional Samoan dance used when [...]

By | 2023-02-14T14:11:21+00:00 7th April 2013|2014 Posts|0 Comments

Whanau Groups

Our school is now organised into whanau groups. Each whanau has four classes, this may consist of a Year 1 and/or Year 2 class, a Year 3 and/or Year 4 class, and a Year 5/6 [...]

By | 2023-02-14T14:11:21+00:00 13th March 2013|2014 Posts|0 Comments

Our Sports

In Term Three, the Year 4-6 students had soccer coaching with Owen. We thoroughly enjoyed this and learnt many skills to help us trap, dribble, pass and defend the ball.

By | 2023-02-14T14:11:21+00:00 12th March 2013|2014 Posts|0 Comments
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