Paper Making

our product

our product

During our Innovation study we realized we had too many Parish envelopes in
our recycling. We came up with the idea to make papermaking kits to give to
Mrs Cutforth so that she could take them to Christchurch.
Mrs Cutforth has been working with Catholic schools affected by the
earthquakes, as she reckons it is good therapy to help the children forget
their fears.
We each collected 100 envelopes, some cooching cloths, a detergent scoop,
mould and deckle and a sponge.
We then wrote and illustrated the instructions to put in our kits. We then
wrapped them in material, tied them up and sent them with our blessings to
St Teresa’s and New Brighton School. They sent us some thank you emails and
photos of them using our kits with Mrs Cutforth.
We realized that we were certainly celebrating our special Catholic
character. “Never see a need without doing something about it.”

Room 2 and Mrs Douglas

By | 2023-02-14T14:11:20+00:00 20th November 2013|2014 Posts|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Elizabeth Farge 27 November 2013 at 4:52 pm

    I think St Mary of the Cross MacKillop would be very proud and delighted to know that you were “doing something about it” for those Christchurch children. Well done!

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